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March 29: Class Updates

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Hi Guys

Think this blog is a great idea, hope it works.

Class updates are as follows: we have a lecture tommorow morning at 8.30 and we must be pinned up by 12. The summary sketchbooks are for tommorow.

As for the rep meeting today- Feedback:

I have put forth the new Janice complaints. The IT reps are having a meeting with her on Tuesday- Where she will be cornered.

As for having no way to bring in our models: Conclusion: It's too bad- double park your car on Yale, there's nothing they can do.

The double door: Is there for security, and is here to say, so start bonding with it :)

Desks/ Lockers: There are avaible ones on F-Level, I just need some man power! Volunteers please-else you shall be delegated.

Congress: Sorry people, the deadline to pay is tommorow. If you want info on it and how its working, look on the form or visit the website: http://www.asc06.co.za

Handout Printing: Yes we should be getting proper handouts for Construction and Design instead of having to delegate them- Issue has been passed on to the Academic Reps and hopefully shall be sorted in due course.

I think that was it, if there are any questions, queries or complaints, I'm sure I'll know about it very soon.

Have a good night,

posted by Feige at 6:07 pm | Permalink |

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