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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hey whats up?

As this is the last week of the Quater, we need a winner for the Quote of the week. So please make suggestions and vote...
posted by goldring at 8:45 pm | Permalink | 3 {comments}

The Happenings at Arc

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Dale n lee-Anne. How cute. What happened to Dale's eye tho?!



Shaved head and reconstructed finger, Quite the combo Kev.

Oh look Dale works...

If you ever ask Ryan and Justin for advice or a crit, chances are they will tell you your parking doesn't work and/or inform you about trees you never knew existed. Here Lee-Anne gets a taste!

How touching :)

Yes, I sometimes attempt work as well.

This is what too many hours in studio will do to you!

posted by Feige at 2:45 am | Permalink | 2 {comments}

Suggestion box

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Morne to class: "Concrete cures slower than steel"

& Ryan you have once again misquoted me, what I actually said, was don't talk to me about things that don't work, I dont work. hdxuAnd off the topic but I told u to stop quoting me!
posted by Feige at 6:46 pm | Permalink | 2 {comments}

The musketeers...

Sunday, August 06, 2006
posted by Lludd ap Gwyn at 9:44 pm | Permalink | 1 {comments}

Stop mis-quoting me!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006
What I actually said was : "Laugh all you want, ..."
posted by Feige at 7:11 pm | Permalink | 1 {comments}

Architects Are Sexiest Event

Friday, August 04, 2006
Hi All

I have been on the receiving end of alot of questions regarding what the money for this fundraising initiative is going to go towards.

To be honest, there isnt anything picked out for it yet. But the reason we'd like to have money, is so that we can do more things for the Arch students. Have more events, At the beginning of the years do a welcome mingle braai free of charge. There has even been the idea of opening up a coffee shop in our building. None of this is possible without a start-up capital. Any rumour that the money is to "furnish" the ARC room is completely false.

On the rep committee every member is assigned a job. I am fundraising-events, Lee-Anne is IT etc. Anyone who wants to join any sector, ie. crit, fundraising, It... is welcome to.

As far as I know Fundraising/events have never really taken place, and I'd really like to start this up,there is potential, and I believe it will be amazing to bring a more social aspect in our building. Alot of effort has been put in to make this event work, and it can't work without any of you, so I really do hope ul all attend.
posted by Feige at 2:19 am | Permalink | 0 {comments}